Tuesday 14 May 2013

The Diet

So when i made my 8-kilo-Ecstatic-announcement, quite a fair number of people responded with  whaaaatareyoulikeflipppi'nserious followed by how do you do it slash how long did it take.

today, to make up for my lack of participation lately, i shall give you a mini tour on how i rid off those unwanted kilos (u can't see em but they're there i swear promise and i need em gone! pronto!)

it was May last year when my dear lover decided to drop the Truth bomb: photos last forever! So it begins:

1) Dukan
- tbh, dukan wasn't my reason to lose weight. i have never heard of this dukan but i overheard my colleague talking bout the-pros-and-no-cons-dukan. PLUS you get to eat as much chicken/meat as you want! My first thought: pfft yea right. it doesn't work! But she kept convincing me otherwise. She refused to back down so fine, i will test it out. So she gave me this list of food i can/cannot eat. Basically it's 4 phase (Attack, Cruise, Consolidation, Permanent Stabilisation) starting with pure protein only phase one for a week. so all i ate was eggs, chicken, salmon, ham for brekkie, lunch and dinner (and supper). BAM! 6kgs gone *snaps finger* after 10 days. Needless to say, i stopped at phase one because i got lazy having to always check what i eat. Plus, this whole pure protein diet is waaaay too costly for me. 

But if you are interested, you can find out more at:

PS: always, always, ALWAYS drink plenty of fluids when doing dukan. too much protein can damage your kidneys :)

2) Eat like a Caveman
- the fear of losing my kidneys made me wanna try something else instead (of course if you do it right, it shouldn't be a problem). i've read somewhere that the secret to shedding unwanted fats would be to think and eat like a caveman i.e. no processed food. so my diet till today has been revolving around oven (best invention ever!) baked chicken, sweet potatoes and capsicum, spinach leaves, raw tomatoes, beef and eggs plus yoghurt + berries for after meals (fine, not entirely caveman-ish) tbh, the reason why this diet lasted is because it's cheap ($30 pw) and oh so easy to prepare. And i don't mind eating the same food over and over again. So if you have a problem with that, then you might want to have a variety but always think caveman! 

3) Green tea
- Oh the wonders of a cup of green tea! Tightens up the flabs but makes you wanna pee all the time. i have them throughout the day when i'm not at work. Ten is a good number

4) Long gone Carbs
- One of the biggest change i made to my diet is cutting out carbs. only because i've come to realise that i never ever burned off all the energy/calories i consumed from carbs. thus, the only carbs i eat on a daily basis is sweet potato. Unless you are wanting to bulk up, carbs is a no go to comfort food.

5) Cheat Meal
- Once a week is a MUST! it helps to stir up your metabolism. i usually have mine on Sat where dukan and caveman diet is non existence (so this is when i spoil myself with white carbs, deep fried, korean BBQ etc etc) but don't go crazy. smaller portion is better than regret.

Having said all these, i still have my lil cheat snacks throughout the week i.e.
  • Time Out & Picnic (can't resist)
  • Popcorn! (they're actually healthier than i thought)
  • Short bread bikkie (can't resist either)
i find that i lose more when i have lil cheats along the way rather than go all out on Sat but i guess each to its own. you'll need to find what works for you. dukan didn't work for everyone (so i was told) Happy discovering!

This is only a tiny snippet of what the actual journey is. Anyways the main point is

 abs are made in the kitchen :) 

Next post: The Workout!